Children’s Ministry
Be sure to follow @kokomoconnexionkids here on Facebook for all the latest news!
Check out our Virtual Children’s Christmas Play here
If it is your first time attending the ConneXion Church with children, we invite you to enter door
#1 (kid’s entrance) and proceed to the kids check-in station. You will be asked to complete a
family registration form. Information will be entered into the computer by the check-in
attendant and the child(ren) will receive a sticker with their name on it and any allergy
information. The parent or guardian will receive a unique pick-up sticker with a number that
matches their child’s. We invite our first time guests to walk with their child to their appropriate
classroom in order to see where their child will be located at the end of the service. Following
the service, parents/guardians will proceed to the appropriate classroom and pick up their child
by showing their unique pick-up sticker.
First-Time Guests
Sunday Morning Kids Experience – 10:30am
Children, ages birth through 6th grade, are invited to attend the ConneXion Kids experience in
the children’s hallway. We utilize a safe check-in system which can be found within door #1
(noted Kids entrance on door) or through the south hall leading from the lobby (bright blue
painted wall).
We offer separate learning experiences for our preschoolers/kindergarteners and our
elementary aged kids. Currently, we offer Sparks class for preschool through 2nd grade and a
preteen class for our 3rd – 6th graders. We utilize a curriculum which is appropriate for these age
groups which incorporates music (worship), video and in-person Bible story, crafts, games, and
lots more. All of our classroom leaders and assistants over the age of 18 are background
checked and regularly attend training for Safe Sanctuary and Child Abuse awareness.
Following the experience, parents can pick up their child using their secure sticker received at
check-in. The leaders know to check the sticker and verify that it matches the child’s sticker. We
do not allow older siblings or relatives to pick up a child for safety purposes.
Our nursery is for babies and toddlers, birth through 36 months. We ask parents to bring any
necessary items for changing and feeding such as diapers, clothing change, bottles, snacks, etc.
We do have all sizes of diapers and wipes available if needed. Your child will be loved on and
interacted with by amazing volunteers who consider the nursery a wonderful place to begin a
child’s faith experience. We also invite you to utilize our nursery for changing or feeding and are
equipped with a clean and comfortable changing table, a napping pack ’n play, and rocking
chairs for parent’s comfort.
Parent Connections
There is a parent resource area in the children’s hallway full of free faith development tools that
can be utilized by parents throughout the week.
At the ConneXion Church we feel that parents are super important in their child’s faith
development. Children are welcomed in our sanctuary and special Bible booklets that correlate
with the children’s lesson can be picked up in the lobby.
Get Involved
One of the best ways to get involved in your child’s faith development is to share their experience on Sunday mornings. Parents are encouraged to volunteer with our kids ministry. Whether you visit occasionally or serve on monthly rotation, we would love to have you join us.